Nau's Enfield Drug
1115 W Lynn St. Austin, TX 78703
Nau’s Enfield Drug is home to Austin’s only original full-service drug store, soda fountain, and grill. Nau’s Enfield Drug has been serving West Central Austin since 1951 and has become a beloved, historic landmark. Be sure to try one of the famous burgers (we recommend the classic cheeseburger) or barbecue, and finish with an extra-thick shake or malt. No matter where you live in the Austin area, you can experience Austin’s friendly neighborhood drug store, located in the middle of Clarksville on the corner of 12th & West Lynn.
The Soda Fountain and Grill Hours vary from those of the Store. Monday through Friday from 7:30 am till 4:15 pm. Saturday from 8 am till 4:15 pm. Sunday from 10:30 am till 3:30 pm.